P2 Feedback

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Welcome to P2 Feedback

Do you have questions, feedback, suggestions or ideas for P2? This is a direct communication channel with the team developing it at Automattic.

Feel free to ask questions in your native language. Automattic has team-mates in 77 countries.

Embed Voice Recordings

I’m looking for a tool that allows me to record a message then embed in a P2 Post / Page as a standalone narrative or a primer for the content that follows. My goal would be to use it to synopsize a longer Post/Page in a preview-like manner.

Also wondering if WordPress is working on any kind of a reader like Microsoft’s Immersive Reader embedded in MS Word that might allow a Post to be listened to versus read.

Any options available today? Any recommendations? Thx. Mike

Feature Requests: Accordion block and/or TOC

Hi P2 folks! A #featurerequest:

We’d find very helpful a simple accordion block that can collapse (show/hide) other block content. In wanting to use our P2 as a resource, we keep finding situations where it would be helpful to collapse content (in our situation, text and/or code snippets) to keep the posts from getting overly long.

Another way to keep track on unwieldy posts would be some sort of automatic table of contents block functionality (wikipedia style) that is generated at the top of the post based on heading levels therein.
